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Meet The Team


Abby Dunn

Abby is a University of Sussex Research Fellow attached to the PWA study. She is a research psychologist focused on the intersection of parental mental health and parenting. She has delivered the face-to-face version of the intervention and has been responsible for the day to day running of the trial.


James Alvarez

James is a Psychology research software developer at the University of Sussex. He has been making software for Psychology and Neuroscience applications for 10 years. He has been a key part in getting the technical side of the PWA study up and running. You can visit his website here


Julia Simner

Julia Simner is a professor of neuropsychology specialising in sensory differences (e.g. sensory sensitivities). She runs the MULTISENSE lab at the University of Sussex and is providing expertise for PWA in online testing of special populations. 


Sam Cartwright-Hatton

Sam is a Clinical Psychologist who has a special interest in anxiety disorders, in particular how we might prevent them. She is Professor of Clinical Child Psychology at the University of Sussex and is the 'Principal Investigator' on PWA. 


Peter Lawrence

Pete is a Clinical Psychologist with a special interest in helping parents who experience common mental health problems such as anxiety and depression and, in particular, how we can support their children and families. He is a Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at the University of Southampton and is a 'Co-Investigator' on PWA. 


Amy Arbon

Amy is a Clinical Trial Manager for the Brighton & Sussex Clinical Trials Unit, with over 10 years experience working in clinical trials.  She has worked across many different clinical disciplines, including oncology, sexual health and mental health.


Kathryn Lester

Kathryn has a special interest in understanding the influence of parents and peers on children’s social and emotional development and wellbeing, with a particular interest in anxiety.  Kathryn is a Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology and Director of the Childhood, Attachment, Play and Emotions Lab (CAPELab) at the University of Sussex and is a 'Co-Investigator' on PWA.


Stephen Bremner

Stephen is a medical statistician working mainly in randomised controlled trials, with particular interest in mental health research.  He is Professor of Medical Statistics at Brighton and Sussex Medical School and the senior statistician at Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit.


Abigail Thomson

Abigail is a student with a particular interest in children’s social and emotional development, and the role of early intervention and preventative psychology within schools and families. She has been involved in helping to translate the face-to-face course into its online format


Rosie Hutson

Rosie is an undergraduate student with an interest in clinical psychology. Her main motivation is improving the lives of people struggling with their mental health. She has been involved in the final stages of getting the PWA course up and running.


Chloë Elsby-Pearson

Chloë is a PPI Researcher working on the PWA Project. She initially completed the face to face Raising Confident Children course to help her learn tips on how to parent whilst coping with anxiety. Chloë is very interested in helping other parents struggling with anxiety to raise happy and confident children.

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